Monday, October 22, 2012

Advertising and Public Relations

Advertising is impersonal, one-way mass communication about a product or organization that is paid for by a marketer. Judging by the fact that McDonald's is the leading company in it's industry it must doing very good in the advertising department. McDonald's is one of the strongest brands in the world, and one of its key elements is that it's omnipresent. Everywhere you go in America, you see McDonald's. And it's not just the sheer amount of stores themselves — its highway billboard signs are ubiquitous for road-trippers, the bright Golden Arches are instantly recognizable to every passerby and its TV commercials are an expected part of people's daily programming. 

McDonald's spends almost a billion every year on advertising. Luckily for them it is not a advertising response function. They always make their money back. They especially advertise a lot through sponsorship. They sponsor little leagues around the country of America, Hockey in Canada and even the Olympics. Also, they have spokespeople to represent them. Mostly athletes such as Lebron James, Patrick Chan, and Cassie Campbell. 

In my opinion I feel McDonald's over advertises. They are just all over the place. Regardless of anything they are going to sell because they have stores in so many different locations. It's at the point that they are the only food option in some areas. But of course as a McDonald's customer I am not complaining. 

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